Monthly Highpower XTC, Program: 7 January, 4 Feb-canx, 4 March, 6 May, 3 June, 4 November, 2 December

Monthly Mid-Range Prone, Program: 8 January, 5 February, 5 March, 7 May, 4 June, 1 July, 2 July, 5 August, 6 August, 2 September, 3 September, 7 October, 8 October, 5 November, 3 December

Monthly Smallbore Prone Rifle, Program: 28 January, 25 February, 18 March, 28 October, 18 November, 16 December

4 States, Two-Man Team Match (25-26 March): Program; M1; M2; M3; Sat overall; Sat top teams; M4; M5; Sun Overall; Sun top teams; Grand Agg; Individual Rankings; Past Winners

TSRA Service Rifle Championship (31 March – 2 April): Program/entry; Team Match; IT Challenge; SR Championship, by ranking, Governor’s 20; Rifle EIC; Rimfire Pistol EIC (Rev 4/3); Service Pistol EIC (rev 4/3)

Smallbore Prone Regional, (22-23 April): Program; Results: Saturday; Sunday; Grand Agg

TSRA Highpower Rifle Championship (22-24 September): Program/entry (revised 230915) Team Scramble; Sniper Challenge; Highpower by Classification and Ranked Order; EICs: Pistol Rimfire and Service, Rifle (updated)

TSRA Highpower Mid-Range Prone Championship (30 September – 1 October): Program/entry here. Compiled final results of all matches here.

2023 Club Championship Results:

  • Highpower Across the Course: Final standings here; 16 participants with 4 firing the minimum of 3 matches. Preliminary winner: Dan Pate with an outstanding 97.85% average.
  • Highpower Mid-Range Prone: Final Standings here.
  • Target Rifle: 20 participants with 11 firing the minimum of 3 matches. Preliminary winner: Jon Rhynard with an impressive 99.89% average.
  • F-Open Rifle: 12 participants with 9 firing the minimum of 3 matches. Preliminary winner: Mike Woolford with an impressive 99.89% average.
  • F-TR Rifle: 3 participants with 3 firing the minimum of 3 matches. Preliminary winner: Michael Soutter with an outstanding 98.78% average.