The Panola County Gun Club is located off of FM 2517 near FM 31 in the Deadwood area of Panola County which is southeast of Carthage, Texas. The facility provides several different ranges for shooters to choose from.
There are two short-range covered firing facilities for pistol and rifle. The first one has moveable wood benches that allow shooting from as far away as 50 yards and covered shooting from 50 to ~ 30 yards. It is often used for close (less than 10 yards) pistol shooting. Precision pistol, aka bullseye pistol, matches are occasionally conducted on this range.
The second range allows for covered shooting off of concrete benches at 100 and 200 yards as well as another 50 yard range, uncovered. This range is ideal for load development and testing.
Highpower across the course, highpower mid-range prone, and smallbore prone competitions are conducted on the 600 yard range. This range has pits with 16 target carriers. This is a known distance range with 16 firing points at 200, 300, 500, and 600 yards. The 600 yard firing point is a covered concrete firing point. There is also one concrete bench on the 600 yard firing line. Members must obtain a 600 yard range qualification and participate in an orientation conducted by a Board member to utilize this range.
Bathroom facilities consist of a Porta-Potty located at the short range facility and three Porta-Potties on the high-power range: one each in the pits, the 300 yard line and the 600 yard line. There is no power or water at the facility.

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